Background Check Software Company deverus Launches Mobile Swifthire


App Enables Job Applicants to Complete Background Check Process on Mobile Devices



deverus, Inc., the country’s leader in cutting-edge background checking software – processing over 2.5 million hires per year for more than 35,000 businesses nationwide - has announced the release of its new app, Mobile Swifthire.  With Mobile Swifthire, recruiters can dramatically increase speed, efficiency and transparency for background checks by allowing applicants to complete the process on their mobile device.  And with Mobile Swifthire, background check companies can apply their personal or client branding with custom logos, colors and themes to create a unified corporate experience for applicants.


“In an era when 60% of recruiting is done via mobile device, Mobile Swifthire is a logical solution,” said deverus CEO Shawn Rucks.  “Applicants can fill in their personal data anytime, anywhere which dramatically increases speed to hire.  The system also offers candidates peace of mind and reassurance of the process with ongoing status updates, the opportunity to correct any missing information or upload documents, as well as to download the report and even file a dispute over discrepancies.”


Mobile Swifthire incorporates some of the most sophisticated digital signature technology available, with user authentication and certificate of authority to ensure validity as well as a wet signature to capture the signers’ personal signature.  E-signature capability allows background check companies an immediate digital archive of signed copes and comprehensive audit trail.  All data is encrypted for security.  In compliance with FCRA laws, the app displays either a standard FCRA disclosure or a custom one, which must be consented to before the applicant is allowed to proceed. 




·      Portal allows applicants to track status, upload documents, download and share final report, providing a sense of transparency with the background check process

·      Manage dispute resolution process between applicant and background check company

·      Generate comprehensive audit trail including digital certificate, user authentication, signature completion, and opt-outs

·      E-signature capabilities using standard or wet technology to capture signatures and speed up the process

·      Dynamically change forms based on job position to boost data input accuracy and reduce errors with intuitive error-handling

·      Customizable with logos, backgrounds and colors to match corporate branding, or choose themes based on industry or client type

·      FCRA compliance disclosures or custom disclosure consent forms

About deverus

Established in 1998, privately-held Austin-based deverus, Inc., helps companies in the background screening industry work better, faster and smarter by providing the highest quality software, SAAS cloud-based solutions, mobile applications, integrations, compliance, automation, security, privacy and customer support services available. Deriving its name from a blend of Latin and Spanish meaning “from the truth,” deverus helps HR departments make critical hiring decisions using data such as criminal records, education and employment verifications, drug and assessment testing, and more. The company delivers its services to over 35,000 businesses, hiring more than 2.5 million employees per year, through more than 75 trusted partners. deverus is a founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) the respected screening professionals industry watchdog, and was named a “Best Place to Work” by the Austin Business Journal.

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